Top "Matlab-deployment" questions

MATLAB is a high-level language and programming environment developed by MathWorks.

'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have to convert my Matlab algorithm in Java. For this I'm using matlab builder ja toolbox, after following all …

java matlab-deployment
How can I pass command line arguments to a standalone MATLAB executable running on Linux/Unix?

How can I pass command line arguments to a standalone MATLAB executable running on Linux/UNIX? I need to compile …

matlab command-line-arguments matlab-deployment matlab-compiler
Unable to register dll using regsvr32:The module "*.dll" failed to load

There is a similar question from stackoverflow. But I didn't find that the answer is helpful. I also used Google …

matlab windows-7 matlab-deployment regsvr32 dllregistration
Calling a MATLAB function from C#

I developed a MATLAB function, and I'm looking for a way to call that function from another C# application and …

c# matlab com matlab-deployment dde
MATLAB Compiler vs MATLAB Coder

What's the difference between the two? As far as I understand it, MATLAB Compiler wraps the MATLAB code into a .…

matlab matlab-deployment matlab-compiler matlab-coder
How can I run MATLAB code for isolated spoken words recognition from PHP?

As the title indicates, I have MATLAB code for isolated spoken words recognition, and I want to be able to …

php matlab matlab-deployment
How to create reports containing text and figures with MATLAB

I am using a MATLAB script to tune the control system on a machine. When the tuning is complete, I …

matlab pdf-generation report matlab-deployment matlab-figure
Interoperating between Matlab and C#

After peeking around the internet it looks like it is possible to interop between C# and Matlab. I am wondering …

c# .net matlab interop matlab-deployment
How to Call Matlab Functions from C++

I want to call MATLAB function in my C++ project. I'm using Matlab R2010a and Visual Studio 2010 First I …

c++ c matlab matlab-deployment matlab-engine
Matlab Coder vs hand coding?

Some background for people reading this in the future (in case it's not locked). I tend to do my programming …

c++ c matlab matlab-deployment