Top "Mcc" questions

mcc stand for MATLAB® Compiler™. The command line utility that can compile MATLAB code into stand-alone application or C/C++ library.

How do I change the Mobile Country Code (MCC) in the Android Emulator?

My Android application needs to react differently to different Mobile Country Codes. It seems like it is hardcoded to mcc310 (…

android android-emulator mcc mobile-country-code
Deploytool for MATLAB R2013b doesn't work, what has changed?

For years I've been using the integrated deploytool to create easily distributable *.exe files for my colleagues. I installed R2013…

matlab licensing matlab-deployment matlab-compiler mcc
How compile training neural network as stand-alone app in MATLAB?

I want to compile my MATLAB application that uses neural networks to a stand-alone application, but as you know MATLAB …

matlab neural-network matlab-deployment matlab-compiler mcc