Top "Libraries" questions

Use this tag for questions about software libraries.

Load external library in codeigniter

How can I access the getid3 class and use it in my controller? project /application /controller /libraries /getID3 /getid3 getid3.…

php codeigniter libraries getid3
Draw a music staff in C#

I am looking to draw a music staff on a .NET (C#) form. I am using Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. …

c# .net draw libraries music-notation
Is there a statistics library for PHP?

I need to find a polynomial regression line, and I'm using PHP - is there a library or 3rd part …

php statistics libraries
What module(s) do I need to include to get 5.seconds to work in Ruby?

Because apparently require 'date' doesn't include the method hours or seconds etc: undefined method `hours' for 5:Fixnum (NoMethodError) Am I …

ruby datetime libraries
Dynamic and Static Libraries in C++

In my quest to learn C++, I have come across dynamic and static libraries. I generally get the gist of …

c++ libraries
Package vs Library

I've just started working with CMake and I noticed that they have both a find_package and a find_library. …

cmake package libraries difference
Python imaging alternatives

I have python code that needs to do just a couple simple things to photographs: crop, resize, and overlay a …

python command-line libraries imaging
How do I write CMake install for a library?

Here is my try: IF (NOT WIN32) #INSTALL_TARGETS(${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} ${tinyscheme-nix_BINARY_DIR}/ #INSTALL(TARGETS ${tinyscheme-nix_…

cmake installation libraries make-install system-paths
Missing Spring AOP libraries in STS

I'm getting my feet wet with Spring. I downloaded STS and I'm following basic examples from Spring in Action Second …

spring libraries spring-aop sts-springsourcetoolsuite
Create a static Haskell Linux executable

It's not often two things I love so much come together to cause me so much annoyance (besides my kids). …

linux haskell libraries static-linking ld