Top "Libraries" questions

Use this tag for questions about software libraries.

Web Scraping with Scala

Just wondering if anyone knows of a web-scraping library that takes advantage of Scala's succinct syntax. So far, I've found …

scala web-scraping libraries
How to remove a dependency from my Android project in Eclipse

When I highlight my project, go to properties, select java build path and then try to remove an Android Dependency …

android eclipse dependencies libraries
Cmake: linking shared library

I've done this before a couple of times, but somehow I'm stuck this time. I have an executable "myapp" and …

static cmake libraries shared
How do I hide Referenced Libraries in Eclipse's Java EE perspective?

Eclipse's normal Java perspective seems to hide Referenced Libraries just fine (in a "Referenced Libraries" folder in your project). Unfortunately, …

java eclipse libraries jar perspectives
Moment.js: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'defineLocale' of undefined at moment.js:13

When running the small html file below I see the following console log error: moment.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read …

javascript momentjs libraries
What programming languages are good for statistics?

I'm doing a bit more statistical analysis on some things lately, and I'm curious if there are any programming languages …

programming-languages r statistics libraries
What are some interesting C/C++ libraries to play around with?

I'm looking for a few new libraries and for C and C++. In the past most of the time I "…

c++ c posix libraries
Will Dart support the use of existing JavaScript libraries?

I understand Dart compiles to JavaScript, and I read the Dart Language Spec on Libraries, although I didn't see an …

javascript libraries dart
How do i add libraries to CodeLite projects?

I recently started using CodeLite since i though that it would be a great software, but i don't know how …

libraries codelite
How to install JNativeHook Library?

I am trying to use the JNativeHook library to provide global keyboard and mouse listeners for my Java application. I …

java eclipse libraries jnativehook