Top "Levels" questions

Reorder levels of a factor without changing order of values

I have data frame with some numerical variables and some categorical factor variables. The order of levels for those factors …

r levels
R- split histogram according to factor level

This is my data: type<-rep(c(0,1),100) diff<-rnorm(100) data<-data.frame(type,diff) If I want …

r histogram levels
Mean by factor by level

Maybe this is simple but I can't find answer on web. I have problem with mean calculation by factors by …

r mean levels factors
How can I drop unused levels from a data frame?

Given the following mock data: set.seed(123) x <- data.frame(let = sample(letters[1:5], 100, replace = T), num = sample(1:10, 100, replace = …

r levels
How to change name of factor levels?

training set trainSample <- cbind(data[1:980,1], data[1:980,2]) cl <- factor(c(data[1:980,3])) test set testSample <- data(…

r rename levels
Levels in R Dataframe

I imported data from a .csv file, and attached the dataset. My problem: one variable is in integer form and …

r dataframe levels
ggplot2 keep unused levels barplot

I want to plot unused levels (that is, levels where the count is 0) in my bar-plot, however, unused levels are …

r ggplot2 legend levels
Remove first levels of identifier in array

I think this has been up before, but could'nt find any answer to it. If it's already answered please point …

php arrays identifier levels
Counting depth or the deepest level a nested list goes to

A have a real problem (and a headache) with an assignment... I'm in an introductory programming class, and I have …

python list nested levels
r - convert factor to numeric and remove levels

I have a column in my data frame that is numbers 1, 2, 3, until 31. column is titled 'game' R tells me this …

r numeric levels