Top "Kubernetes-pvc" questions

Kubernetes persistent volume claims: These are requested by pods in a cluster, from a storage pool that is pre-defined (or else, dynamically allocated).

Kubernetes Unable to mount volumes for pod

I'm trying to setup a volume to use with Mongo on k8s. I use kubectl create -f pv.yaml …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc
pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 3 times)

What is wrong with below. # config for es data node apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: infra name: elasticsearch-data-config labels: …

kubernetes kubernetes-pod kubernetes-pvc
Shared PersistenceVolumeClaim(PVC) across namespaces

Is it possible to reference a PVC (in namespace-A) from namespace-B. Why I need that? I would like to allow …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc
Error "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set"

Is it required to create the directory manually in nodes or will it be auto created by pv? Here is …

kubernetes persistent-volumes kubernetes-pvc
Is there an efficient way to check the usage for PV/PVC in Kubernetes

For example, I have 50 Gib PV/PVC and grant to one Pod, I just want to check usage of the …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc
How to delete only unmounted PVCs and PVs?

We don't want to delete PV and PVC as pods reuse them most of the times. However, in the long …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc
How to monitor disk usage of persistent volumes?

I want to monitor disk usages of persistent volumes in the cluster. I am using CoreOS Kube Prometheus. A dashboard …

kubernetes prometheus metrics persistent-volumes kubernetes-pvc
Kubernetes StorageClass not found

I am facing issues with Dynamic Storage provisioner. I have created storage class (edited) kubectl get sc NAME PROVISIONER AGE …

kubernetes storage-class-specifier persistent-volumes kubernetes-pvc
How to mount data file in kubernetes via pvc?

I want to persistent data file via pvc with glusterfs in kubernetes, I mount the diretory and it'll work, but …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc
PVC in pending state

I am trying to provision PV with RBD using But …

kubernetes kubernetes-pvc