Top "Persistent-volumes" questions

This tag is for Kubernetes persistent volume related questions.

Kubernetes: Can't delete PersistentVolumeClaim (pvc)

I created the following persistent volume by calling kubectl create -f nameOfTheFileContainingTheFollowingContent.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: pv-monitoring-static-content …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim Indefinitely in Pending State

I created a PersistentVolume sourced from a Google Compute Engine persistent disk that I already formatted and provision with data. …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes Pod Warning: 1 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict

I try to set up Kubernetes cluster. I have Persistent Volume, Persistent Volume Claim and Storage class all set-up and …

docker kubernetes persistent-volumes
Kubernetes NFS persistent volumes permission denied

I have an application running over a POD in Kubernetes. I would like to store some output file logs on …

docker kubernetes permission-denied nfs persistent-volumes
What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in simple terms?

What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in Kubernetes/ Openshift by referring to documentation? …

kubernetes openshift storage persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes NFS Persistent Volumes - multiple claims on same volume? Claim stuck in pending?

Use case: I have a NFS directory available and I want to use it to persist data for multiple deployments &…

kubernetes nfs persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
How to delete persistent volumes in Kubernetes

I am trying to delete persistent volumes on a Kubernetes cluster. I ran the following command: kubectl delete pv pvc-08…

kubernetes persistent-volumes
WaitForFirstConsumer PersistentVolumeClaim waiting for first consumer to be created before binding

I setup a new k8s in a single node, which is tainted. But the PersistentVolume can not be created …

kubernetes persistent-volumes
Kubernetes - how to download a PersistentVolume's content

I have a test executor Pod in K8s cluster created through helm, which asks for a dynamically created PersistentVolume …

kubernetes persistent-volumes file-moving
kubernetes persistent volume accessmode

It seems that Kubernetes supports 3 kinds of access mode for persistent volume: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany. I'm really curious about the …

kubernetes persistent-volumes