Top "Persistent-volume-claims" questions

Kubernetes: Can't delete PersistentVolumeClaim (pvc)

I created the following persistent volume by calling kubectl create -f nameOfTheFileContainingTheFollowingContent.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: pv-monitoring-static-content …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes: how to set VolumeMount user group and file permissions

I'm running a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using kops. I've mounted an EBS volume onto a container and it is …

amazon-web-services docker kubernetes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim Indefinitely in Pending State

I created a PersistentVolume sourced from a Google Compute Engine persistent disk that I already formatted and provision with data. …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in simple terms?

What is the difference between persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) in Kubernetes/ Openshift by referring to documentation? …

kubernetes openshift storage persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes NFS Persistent Volumes - multiple claims on same volume? Claim stuck in pending?

Use case: I have a NFS directory available and I want to use it to persist data for multiple deployments &…

kubernetes nfs persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "nfs" : mount failed: exit status 32

This is 2nd question following 1st question at PersistentVolumeClaim is not bound: "nfs-pv-provisioning-demo" I am setting up a kubernetes lab …

kubernetes nfs persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Kubernetes: Is it possible to mount volumes to a container running as a CronJob?

I'm attempting to create a Kubernetes CronJob to run an application every minute. A prerequisite is that I need to …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
Can I rely on volumeClaimTemplates naming convention?

I want to setup a pre-defined PostgreSQL cluster in a bare meta kubernetes 1.7 with local PV enable. I have three …

kubernetes persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims
How to identify the storage space left in a persistent volume claim?

I have a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform. It has a persistent Volume Claim with a Capacity of 1GB. …

kubernetes google-cloud-platform persistent-volume-claims
Add persistent volume in Kubernetes StatefulSet on Minikube

I'm new to Kubernetes and I'm trying to add a PVC in my StatefulSet on Minikube. PV and PVC are …

kubernetes minikube persistent-volumes persistent-volume-claims