Top "Keychain" questions

A keychain is an encrypted container that holds passwords for multiple applications and secure services.

Storing email in keychain impossible (KeychainItemWrapper)

I'm using the ARCified version of KeychainItemWrapper available at github, and I can't get it to store both email and …

objective-c ios automatic-ref-counting keychain
Obtaining admin privileges to delete files using rm from a Cocoa app

I am making a small app that deletes log files. I am using an NSTask instance which runs rm and …

cocoa authorization privileges keychain nstask
How to use self signed certificate at iOS app

Basically our iOS app needs to communicate with a server which has a self signed certificate for now. In my …

iphone ios keychain self-signed
Does UUID getting changed for some cases

I am using user's device UUID to get unique device. NSString *currentUUIDString = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; I know that UUID …

ios icloud uuid keychain uniqueidentifier
Is it possible to update a Keychain item's kSecAttrAccessible value?

Is it possible to update the value of the attribute kSecAttrAccessible of existing items in the Keychain? It seems that …

iphone security ios ipad keychain
Is there any length limit of string stored in Keychain?

I want to store some userinfo as a string in Keychain on iOS, so is there any length limit of …

iphone ios keychain
How do I add authorizations to code sign an app from new keychain without any human interaction

I'm trying to automate the process of building iphone apps with a particular certificate. So imagine if different users uploaded …

iphone xcode macos keychain
What encryption algorithm does the iOS keychain use to protect data?

After extensive googling I haven't managed to find an answer to this question1, which is surprising, since `security through obscurity' …

ios security keychain
Querying iOS Keychain using Swift

I'm stuck converting the Keychain query result using Swift. My request seems to be working: let queryAttributes = NSDictionary(objects: [kSecClassGenericPassword, "…

ios swift keychain
Xcode does not see my developer certificate in Code Signing Identity

I renewed my IOS Developer Certificate, i deleted old ones from keychains and clicked on my certificate. Everything looks normal …

ios xcode keychain codesign