Top "Keychain" questions

A keychain is an encrypted container that holds passwords for multiple applications and secure services.

Keychain: Item reported as errSecItemNotFound, but receive errSecDuplicateItem on addition

This issue has been bugging me for a while, and I hope someone has insight as to the cause of …

ios security password-protection keychain
How to unlock system keychain in OS X using terminal

I have private key and certificate in system keychain and I want to access it using CodeSign so it needs …

ios shell jenkins keychain codesign
Is there an iPhone-like Keychain in Android?

I'm looking for something like the Keychain on the iPhone, but for Android development. Something that gives me the capability …

android persistence keychain
How to use a password from the keychain within an applescript running within

I'm trying to set up an applescript that performs (via python imaplib...) certain manipulations on my gmail account (which isn't …

macos applescript keychain apple-mail
Save data in Keychain only accessible with Touch ID in Swift 3

I'm working on a peace of code that should do the following: Store some data in Keychain. Get the data …

ios swift keychain touch-id
Difference between Keychain and NSUserDefault?

I am new to objective C, I have created one application in that I have used both NSUserDefault and Keychain …

ios objective-c swift nsuserdefaults keychain
Why is Firefox not trusting my self-signed certificate?

I have a local domain (markfisher.local) for which I have made a self-signed certificate, which I have added to …

ssl firefox certificate keychain trust
This certificate has an invalid issuer

Our distribution certificate for an enterprise ios app is expiring soon, so we made a second certificate in order to …

xcode macos certificate keychain certificate-authority
Navicat: Failed to save password Error code: -34018 on mac os

I try to use navicat on mac os Big Sur but whene I put password get this error! Failed to …

macos keychain navicat
(OS X)Unable to Export .p12 on Keychain

Issues were encountered After creating both a Development SSL Certificate, as well as a Production SSL Certificate. In case you're …

ssl parse-platform apple-push-notifications keychain apn