Top "Key-value" questions

A key-value pair is a set of two linked data items: a key which uniquely identifies some item of data, and the value, which is either the data that is identified or a pointer to the location of that data.

Are there any KeyValue stores used by .NET?

I am looking up keyvalue stores that support C#, but i found that most of them are implemented by Java. …

c# store key-value
Set Option Key and Value on Grails select list?

I am currently working on a Grails application and I am looking place a select list on the page and …

grails key key-value selectlist
Best way to use a PostgreSQL database as a simple key value store

I am being required to use a postgreSQL database and it will replace my current use of berkeleyDB. Although; I …

java postgresql jdbc berkeley-db key-value
Golang create a slice of maps

I was trying to create a slice of maps the following way. keyvalue := make(map[string]interface{}) keyvalueslice := make([]keyvalue, 1, 1) …

dictionary go hashmap slice key-value
Key: value store in Python for possibly 100 GB of data, without client/server

There are many solutions to serialize a small dictionary: json.loads/json.dumps, pickle, shelve, ujson, or even by using …

python dictionary serialization key-value key-value-store
Storing Directory Hierarchy in a Key-Value Data store

What is a clean/efficient method for storing the directory Hierarchy/tree in a Key-Value database (in my case MongoDB …

mongodb key-value
PHP Arrays: How to add 'key & value' to an existing array

I do not know how to add a key and value to the existing array. My array goes like this. …

php arrays key-value array-push
Filter empty and/or null values with jq

I have a file with jsonlines and would like to find empty values. {"name": "Color TV", "price": "1200", "available": ""} {"name": "DVD …

json null jq key-value jsonlines
PHP - explode values in an array, output to tab separated file

I have the following in a file called test_tab.txt (tab separated): header1 header2 header3 field1 field1a field1…

php arrays split key-value tab-delimited
What is difference between const and non const key?

What is the difference between the following two lines? map<int, float> map_data; map<const int, …

c++ key language-lawyer key-value stdmap