Top "Key-value" questions

A key-value pair is a set of two linked data items: a key which uniquely identifies some item of data, and the value, which is either the data that is identified or a pointer to the location of that data.

Best way to store a list of java objects in Redis

It would be great if someone could suggest me on what would be the best way to store a list …

java redis key-value jedis
store known key/value pairs in c

I'm currently learning c. I'm writing a web server as an exercise. Now i have to store the status codes …

c key-value
Can't add keyValuePair directly to Dictionary

I wanted to add a KeyValuePair<T,U> to a Dictionary<T, U> and I couldn't. …

c# dictionary key-value generic-collections
Mapper input Key-Value pair in Hadoop

Normally, we write the mapper in the form : public static class Map extends Mapper<**LongWritable**, Text, Text, IntWritable> …

hadoop mapreduce key-value
how to get all keys and values in redis in javascript?

I am creating a node API using javascript. I have used redis as my key value store. I created a …

javascript node.js redis key-value
in javascript, is there an easy way to sort key-value pairs by the value, and return the key?

In javascript, is there an easy way to sort key-value pairs by the value (assume the value is numeric), and …

javascript jquery sorting key-value
iPhone - How to detect if a key exists in NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults

Using NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];, I use calls like BOOL boolFromPrefs = [defaults boolForKey:@"theBoolKey"]; To get a saved BOOL value. …

iphone cocoa-touch nsuserdefaults preferences key-value
Accessing the last key–value pair in a Ruby (1.9) hash

As of Ruby 1.9, hashes retain insertion order which is very cool. I want to know the best way to access …

ruby hash key-value
Fastest, non-memory-based, multi-process key-value store for Node.js

What is the fastest non-memory key-value store for Node.js supporting multiple processes? I need to store simple key-value string/…

node.js redis key-value key-value-store leveldb
When to use a key-value data store vs. a more traditional relational DB?

When would one choose a key-value data store over a relational DB? What considerations go into deciding one or the …

database relational-database key-value