Top "Keras-layer" questions

How to Implement the Conv1DTranspose in keras?

I Know there is the Conv2DTranspose in keras which can be used in Image. We need to use it …

keras keras-layer
Keras ValueError: Unknown layer:name, when trying to load model to another platform

I have trained a convolutional neural network using Keras 2.2.4 on Nvidia Quadro board. I have saved the trained model in …

python tensorflow keras keras-layer nvidia-jetson
How to get word vectors from Keras Embedding Layer

I'm currently working with a Keras model which has a embedding layer as first layer. In order to visualize the …

python dictionary keras keras-layer word-embedding
How to implement a matrix multiplication in Keras?

I just want to implement a function that given a matrix X returns the covariance matrix of X (X^T*…

matrix tensorflow keras keras-layer
element-wise multiplication with broadcasting in keras custom layer

I am creating a custom layer with weights that need to be multiplied by element-wise before activation. I can get …

python tensorflow neural-network keras keras-layer
How to Split the Input into different channels in Keras

I have 20 channel data each with 5000 values (total of 150,000+ records stored as .npy files on the HD). I am following …

python tensorflow keras multiprocessing keras-layer
Keras Concatenate Layers: Difference between different types of concatenate functions

I just recently started playing around with Keras and got into making custom layers. However, I am rather confused by …

python keras keras-layer
TimeDistributed(Dense) vs Dense in Keras - Same number of parameters

I'm building a model that converts a string to another string using recurrent layers (GRUs). I have tried both a …

machine-learning neural-network keras recurrent-neural-network keras-layer
Difference between Conv2D and Convolution2D in Keras

There is already an answer wrt to Tensorflow. But the problem is that In my IDE Conv2D is a …

machine-learning neural-network keras convolution keras-layer
How to perform deconvolution in Keras/ Theano?

I am trying to implement deconvolution in Keras. My model definition is as follows: model=Sequential() model.add(Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, …

python deep-learning theano keras keras-layer