Top "Keras-layer" questions

How to check the weights after every epoc in Keras model

I am using the sequential model in Keras. I would like to check the weight of the model after every …

neural-network deep-learning keras keras-layer
Keras verbose training progress bar writing a new line on each batch issue

running a Dense feed-forward neural net in Keras. there are class_weights for two outputs, and sample_weights for a …

tensorflow progress-bar theano keras keras-layer
keras: extracting weights using get_weights function

I would like to extract weights of 1d CNN layer, and understand how exactly the prediction values are computed. I …

python keras keras-layer deeplearning4j
What is the difference between an Embedding Layer and a Dense Layer?

The docs for an Embedding Layer in Keras say: Turns positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of fixed size. eg. [[4], [20]] …

machine-learning neural-network deep-learning keras keras-layer
ValueError: Unknown layer: CapsuleLayer

I have defined a custom layer named CapsuleLayer. The actual model has been defined in a separate class. I have …

python keras keras-layer
how do I implement Gaussian blurring layer in Keras?

I have an autoencoder and I need to add a Gaussian noise layer after my output. I need a custom …

python tensorflow keras keras-layer gaussianblur
Bidirectional LSTM with Batch Normalization in Keras

I was wondering how to implement biLSTM with Batch Normalization (BN) in Keras. I know that BN layer should be …

python keras lstm recurrent-neural-network keras-layer
TimeDistributed vs. TimeDistributedDense Keras

I have gone through the official documentation but still can't understand what actually TimeDistributed does as a layer in Keras …

python machine-learning neural-network keras keras-layer
Default activation function in Keras

Does anyone know the default activation function used in the recurrent layers in Keras? It …

neural-network deep-learning keras recurrent-neural-network keras-layer
Removing layers from a pretrained keras model gives the same output as original model

During some feature extraction experiments, I noticed that the 'model.pop()' functionality is not working as expected. For a …

keras keras-layer keras-2