Top "Karma-runner" questions

Karma provides developers a testing environment where they don't have to set up many things, rather just write code and get instant feedback in order to improve productivity and creativity.

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Map

I'm using Angular 4, Webpack 2.4.1, Karma 1.6 and Jasmine 2.6.1 and am writing ES2015 not TypeScript I've got a tiny angular demo app …

javascript angular jasmine karma-runner webpack-2
Is it possible to set up travis to run tests for several languages?

I have a rails project and am running tests for my JavaScript test (Jasmine) through Karma .travis.yml file language: …

ruby-on-rails travis-ci karma-runner
How to disable optimize warnings in webpack 2

I am working with React/Webpack 2 etc. I have Karma test runner and when I run my tests I launch …

reactjs warnings karma-runner webpack-2
Is there something like a jasmine `toNotContain` acceptance criteria for tests?

Jasmin comes with many functions for checking the expected values for validating specifications and tests. Is there besides getJasmineRequireObj().toContain = …

javascript unit-testing testing jasmine karma-runner
How do I fix my generator-angular project so that grunt test works?

I am working off of this tutorial: as a means to understand what files are …

angularjs gruntjs jasmine yeoman karma-runner
How to get karma-coverage (istanbul) to check coverage of ALL source files?

The code structure I have an app directory structure like scripts/sequoia/ ├── GraphToolbar.js ├── nodes │   ├── activityNode.js │   └── annotationNode.js ├── OverviewCanvasControl.…

karma-runner istanbul
Yeoman: EACCES error running karma unit test for Angularjs

I'm following the sample Yeoman workflow listed on npm install -g generator-angular generator-karma # install generators yo angular # scaffold …

yeoman gruntjs karma-runner
mock $httpBackend in angular e2e tests

Does anyone have an idea how to mock $httpBackend in angular e2e tests? The idea is stubbing XHR requests …

angularjs mocking acceptance-testing karma-runner end-to-end
Karma for Visual Studio?

I'm a big fan of continuous testing products like Infinitest. Lately I've been doing more JavaScript development, and was looking …

visual-studio jasmine karma-runner continuous-testing infinitest
Why are my AngularJS, Karma / Jasmine tests running so slowly?

I have some simple karma / jasmine unit-tests that run against an angularjs app. I use the latest version of Chrome …

angularjs jasmine karma-runner