Karma provides developers a testing environment where they don't have to set up many things, rather just write code and get instant feedback in order to improve productivity and creativity.
I am getting ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ApplicationConfiguration at application.js on running 'npm test' or 'karma start' in CLI. …
karma-runner meanjsI have a problem with karma v1.4. testing framework. All my unit tests are now failing with error Cannot read …
angular testing karma-runner zone.jsI used to be able to use ddescribe and iit to have jasmine/karma run just a specific test or …
javascript jasmine karma-runnerI've been trying to run karma coverage for a couple of days now only to find an empty blank page …
unit-testing angular typescript karma-runner karma-coverageIn the introtokarma app, I changed the karma-e2e-config.js file as follows: module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ basePath : …
angularjs karma-runner angularjs-e2eThe problem I am having is that I want to make the templateUrl: "partials/my-directive.html" but currently I have …
javascript angularjs karma-runner ng-html2jsI test through Jasmine, Karma and a variety of browsers. I'm currently debugging a test that fails only in PhantomJS. …
jasmine phantomjs remote-debugging karma-runnerI am using Karma (v0.12.37) as test runner along with JSPM (v0.16.2). I have added following proxy config in karma …
proxy karma-runner jspmI am having problems while performing a simple unit test in my NX workspace. What I am attempting to do …
angular jestjs karma-runner nomachine-nx