Top "Angularjs-e2e" questions

The End-to-End testing framework for AngularJS.

Running into Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page with basic protractor test

describe('my homepage', function() { var ptor = protractor.getInstance(); beforeEach(function(){ // ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true; ptor.get('http://localhost/myApp/home.html'); // …

angularjs-e2e protractor
Protractor find element inside a repeater

Below is my markup <tr ng-repeat="post in posts"> <td ng-click="activePost(post)" class="title">{{post.…

angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e
How to select a single item in protractor

Usually in protractor you can select singular element with: element(protractor.By.css('#fdfdf')); Occasionally you get something like …

angularjs protractor selector angularjs-e2e
(Protractor) Checking whether an input is disabled on click?

I have two input fields, Username and Password and a spinner button. When i click on this spinner button these …

javascript angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e
Protractor - Where to use browser.waitForAngular()

I have some tests written using protractor for angular.js app. I am using Page Objects design pattern and there …

javascript angularjs testing protractor angularjs-e2e
Angular2 Inject ElementRef in unit test

I am trying to test a component that receives a reference to ElementRef through DI. import { Component, OnInit, ElementRef } from …

unit-testing angular dependency-injection angularjs-e2e
how to test if a string DON'T match using protractor

I'm migrating my karma-ng-scenario tests suite to protractor. I would like to do something like // karma-ng-scenario expect(element('legend').text()).…

protractor angularjs-e2e
How to validate when a checkbox is checked in AngularJS e2e tests?

I've been trying out the AngularJS e2e tests and am getting stuck determining whether or not a checkbox is …

angularjs angularjs-e2e
How to simulate a drag and drop action in protractor?

I have a double slider and I'd like to test that it's operable and return's the right data. The slider …

angularjs testing protractor angularjs-e2e
Protractor, with isDisplayed() I get NoSuchElementError: No element found using locator

In protractor 2.0, I am checking in a expect() if one element is displayed. I expect a false, but the weird …

javascript angularjs jasmine protractor angularjs-e2e