Top "Angularjs-e2e" questions

The End-to-End testing framework for AngularJS.

Test login with protractor on a non angular page

I am trying to use protractor for e2e testing but first I need to login on a non-angular page. …

angularjs selenium-webdriver jasmine protractor angularjs-e2e
Get element's offset position with protractor

I am trying to make sure the page scrolls to an element when a certain span is clicked. So I …

javascript protractor angularjs-e2e
How to run AngularJS end to end tests on Jenkins?

How can I run AngularJS end to end tests on Jenkins? As far as I understand, e2e tests require …

node.js angularjs jenkins karma-runner angularjs-e2e
verify that element disappear in protractor

For wait purposes I use such kind of wait function: browser.wait(function() { return browser.isElementPresent(by.repeater('recentName in …

protractor angularjs-e2e
protractor double click in a specific location

I'm developing a system (with AngularJS) that has a feature that is invoked by double clicking in a place on …

angularjs mouse double-click angularjs-e2e protractor
Protractor instance vs browser

I have tried to looked up for similar QA's but i couldn't find one to satisfy me. So basically i …

testing browser protractor angularjs-e2e
setting environment parameter for protractor e2e tests

We are using protractor to test our front end angular app that we are building. Currently we are using browser.…

angularjs node.js protractor angularjs-e2e
Error when running angularjs karma sample

In the introtokarma app, I changed the karma-e2e-config.js file as follows: module.exports = function(config) { config.set({ basePath : …

angularjs karma-runner angularjs-e2e
How can I add URL's dynamically to Protractor tests?

I am trying to use protractor in conjunction with Jenkins. In my jenkins, I need to have URLs dynamically generated. …

protractor angularjs-e2e
How to test drag & drop functionality in AngularJS e2e testing

I am trying to test my application where I need to move a widget from one location to other, in …

javascript angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e