Top "Angularjs-e2e" questions

The End-to-End testing framework for AngularJS.

e2e protractor test requiring oauth authentication

I've got an Angular app that requires authentication with Google, granting of some scopes, etc, and I'm trying to set …

angularjs oauth protractor angularjs-e2e
Setting timezone in MomentJS

I made some test code for my JavaScript SPA application. I set the locale for the entire SPA pretending to …

javascript datetime timezone momentjs angularjs-e2e
$httpBackend.whenGET() passThrough() not defined

I would like to pass some of my http request through and not mock them in my unit test, but …

angularjs angularjs-e2e
Clicking on given coordinates of element in protractor

I want to click on a specific location of my canvas element, so I wrote the following Protractor code: var …

javascript protractor mousemove angularjs-e2e
Protractor how to run login test script first

I am trying to test an Angular Single Page application with protractor. I need to run the login script first. …

angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e e2e-testing gulp-protractor
'$' selector in Protractor

I have seen in many examples like this $('.selector') and I am also using this. So what this $ variable …

angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e gulp-protractor
Running AngularJS Protractor with proxy to https

I get the following error in the command line when trying to run Protractor: > Fatal error: protractor exited with …

angularjs angularjs-e2e protractor
Page Objects in AngularJS Protractor E2E Testing

What is the right way to handle the Page Objects model for writing Protractor E2E testing for AngularJS? I …

javascript angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e
Setting up Protractor with Microsoft Edge

I use CucumberJs and Gulp to run my e2e tests; However, I need to run them against Microsoft Edge. …

gulp protractor microsoft-edge angularjs-e2e cucumberjs