Top "Gulp-protractor" questions

a gulp plugin that helps to run AngularJS end-to-end tests using Protractor framework

Protractor - what best way to check a string IS NOT empty in e2e testing

What is the best way to ensure a value is found (e.g not an empty string) using e2e …

javascript testing jasmine protractor gulp-protractor
Protractor how to run login test script first

I am trying to test an Angular Single Page application with protractor. I need to run the login script first. …

angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e e2e-testing gulp-protractor
'$' selector in Protractor

I have seen in many examples like this $('.selector') and I am also using this. So what this $ variable …

angularjs protractor angularjs-e2e gulp-protractor
gulp-protractor error with chrome v54 / web driver v2.25

Due to the latest update of chrome (v54) we've noticed our protractor tests failing. We attempted to update to the …

google-chrome gulp protractor chrome-web-driver gulp-protractor