Protractor instance vs browser

Tek picture Tek · Feb 3, 2014 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I have tried to looked up for similar QA's but i couldn't find one to satisfy me. So basically i saw that in some examples it's used

ptor = protractor.getInstance();

And in some other examples it's used.


So th question is: What's the difference using protractor instance and browser for getting specific url? Also if my assumption in the P.S. is right, which is better practice: to use only protractor, or to mix them?

P.S. Also i saw same difference in usage with the debugger. I know that protractor is a wrapper over web driver and i assume that protractor.getInstance().get(url) is a implicit invocatin of browser.get(url).


Andres D picture Andres D · Feb 3, 2014

browser is the new, preferred syntax. browser is the same as protractor.getInstance().

A few versions ago a new syntax was introduced. The major changes were:

  • browser is a protractor instance
  • element(locator) is the new syntax for ptor.findElement(locator)
  • by[strategy] is the new syntax for protractor.By.[strategy]

Here is the new documentation: