Top "End-to-end" questions

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected.

What is browser.ignoreSynchronization in protractor?

I have seen it so many times where people suggest to use: browser.ignoreSynchronization=true; // or false But I do …

javascript angularjs testing protractor end-to-end
Protractor browser.wait doesn't wait

I am assuming that browser.wait should be a blocking call, but it is not working as I expected. Here …

javascript angularjs testing protractor end-to-end
Testing AngularJS with Selenium

I have a SPA application on stack ASP MVC + AngularJS and I'd like to test the UI. For now I'm …

angularjs selenium c#-4.0 phantomjs end-to-end
Protractor - count elements in repeater and print it

I'm trying to count the elements in repeater and to print it to console. This is the markup: <div …

angularjs testing angularjs-ng-repeat protractor end-to-end
How to select an element in protractor having multiple classes?

I have a div like this: <div class="class1 class2 class3" ng-click="displayItems(category.categoryId, category.categoryDescription, category.associatedToElements, …

angularjs testing jasmine protractor end-to-end
Protractor : Read Table contents

I've been writing e2e tests for my angular js app and am unable to figure this out. I've got …

javascript testing protractor end-to-end
Click() function isn't working in protractor scripts

I'm trying to automate my tests with Protractor and Appium for an AngularJS site with jasmine framework in iPad simulator, …

angularjs jasmine protractor appium end-to-end
How to get the parent of an element

For example, I am randomly picking a button element from within the rows of a table. After the button is …

dom protractor end-to-end
mouseover element not working using protractor

I have a directive that produces the following html structure: <div class="popover ng-isolate-scope" ng-mouseover="toggle(true)" ng-mouseleave="toggle(…

javascript angularjs testing protractor end-to-end
how to calculate end-to-end delay in this scenario

Here is my question: We wish to send a message of size 150,000 bytes over the network. There are four hops, …

networking packet end-to-end