Top "End-to-end" questions

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected.

Testing a confirm dialog with Protractor

This seems to be a pretty simple question, but I really can't find an answer online and I was not …

javascript angularjs testing protractor end-to-end
Get all element attributes using protractor

According to the documentation, to get a single attribute by name you can use .getAttribute() on a WebElement: var myElement = …

javascript api protractor end-to-end
Protractor expected condition for element containing any text

Is there a way how to check whether an element has any text in it? I already found textToBePresentInElement but …

angularjs testing selenium protractor end-to-end
Protractor Get Model Value

I am new to ProtractorJS. What I am trying to do is trying to get the value of a disabled …

javascript selenium selenium-webdriver protractor end-to-end
Protractor - Unable to run protractor tests

My tests are throwing the following error. It used to run fine before. Please advise. My Config file: exports.config = { …

javascript testing selenium protractor end-to-end
Code coverage for Protractor tests in AngularJS

I am running some e2e tests in my angularJS app with protractor (as recommended in the angularJS documentation). I've …

angularjs integration-testing code-coverage protractor end-to-end
How to run single e2e test with grunt and protractor

I'm assuming this is possible and actually pretty simple, but I'm new to both grunt and protractor and I was …

javascript angularjs gruntjs protractor end-to-end
Should I use browser or ptor = protractor.getInstance()?

I watched this video ( which was uploaded Aug 2013. It claims that we …

angularjs automated-tests protractor end-to-end
What best practices do you use for testing database queries?

I'm currently in the process of testing our solution that has the whole "gamut" of layers: UI, Middle, and the …

database tdd integration-testing end-to-end
Protractor return an object but expected - value of element.getText()

Unable to understand why it return an object not a value of text, some test code: describe('columns swap', function () { …

javascript selenium-webdriver promise protractor end-to-end