Top "End-to-end" questions

Is a technique used to test whether the flow of an application right from start to finish is behaving as expected.

How to write Java e2e (end to end) tests

So... recently I was forcefully introduced to the wonderful world of unit testing(karma for grunt(AngularJS in the middle)), …

java unit-testing junit end-to-end
mock $httpBackend in angular e2e tests

Does anyone have an idea how to mock $httpBackend in angular e2e tests? The idea is stubbing XHR requests …

angularjs mocking acceptance-testing karma-runner end-to-end
Protractor - unknown error: angular is not defined when using by.model

I'm working on writing some protractor tests for my Angular component and keep getting an error "unknown error: angular is …

angular unit-testing webpack protractor end-to-end
Is it possible to add a plugin to chromedriver under a protractor test?

I've been trying to handle the basic authentication during my protractor test. Some hard time on it, so i've found …

javascript angularjs protractor selenium-chromedriver end-to-end
Non-angular page opened after a click

I'm trying to implement the following test scenario: perform a click on a logo on the page assert there is …

javascript angularjs testing protractor end-to-end
Is it possible to get next sibling using cssContainingText in Protractor

Is it possible to get the next sibling by using by.cssContainingText() Example: HTML code is like below: <div …

javascript angularjs css-selectors protractor end-to-end
Difference between functional test and end-to-end test

What is the difference between functional test and end-to-end test? Techopedia says that end-to-end test is a methodology used to …

testing functional-testing end-to-end