Top "Acceptance-testing" questions

Acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the requirements of a specification or contract are met

Difference between acceptance test and functional test?

What is the real difference between acceptance tests and functional tests? What are the highlights or aims of each? Everywhere …

testing functional-testing acceptance-testing
SpecFlow: Scenario Outline Examples

I just starting to work with SpecFlow and really like the tool. However I am running across some issues in …

c# specflow acceptance-testing gherkin
Does Python have anything Like Capybara/Cucumber?

Ruby has this great abstraction layer on top of Selenium called Capybara, which you can use do functional/acceptance/integration …

python functional-testing acceptance-testing
Unit Tests vs. Acceptance Tests

Are you for one or the other? Or both? My understanding is unit tests: validate the system from the developer's …

unit-testing testing tdd acceptance-testing
How to send keypress in nightwatch

I know how to send click events with nightwatch:'#my-control'); But I have been unable to find …

selenium testing keypress acceptance-testing nightwatch.js
Difference System Acceptance Test and User Acceptance Test

I've read the terms System Acceptance Test and User Acceptance Test in a document. But I can't really figure out …

testing acceptance-testing manual-testing user-acceptance-testing
What can cause MSIExec Error 1619 'This installation package could not be opened'

I'm attempting to automate a roundtrip install and uninstall of a set of MSI files (generated by WiX) from a …

msbuild wix windows-installer acceptance-testing
What is a proper way of end-to-end (e2e) testing in Vue.js

Of cause I can use selenium-standalone with xpath to test an app. But testing SPA could be challenging sometime. But, …

javascript selenium vue.js acceptance-testing e2e-testing
Using JUnit as an acceptance test framework

OK, so I work for a company who has openly adopted agile practices for development in recent years. Our unit …

java junit automated-tests acceptance-testing
Are BDD tests acceptance tests?

Do you need something like Fitnesse, if you have BDD tests?

bdd fitnesse acceptance-testing