How to send keypress in nightwatch

Carl Manaster picture Carl Manaster · Jan 7, 2016 · Viewed 24.3k times · Source

I know how to send click events with nightwatch:'#my-control');

But I have been unable to find a way to send key events. How is this done in nightwatch?


Ashish-BeJovial picture Ashish-BeJovial · Jul 27, 2016

You can try the following way to press any key in nightwatch.js; I am pressing T and it is working superb!

client.keys("t", function(done) {

We are using the above way because nightwatch.js Keys does not have any alphabet command in its array, I have consoled and I haven't found any alphabet to press it.

{ NULL: '',
  CANCEL: '',
  HELP: '',
  BACK_SPACE: '',
  TAB: '',
  CLEAR: '',
  RETURN: '',
  ENTER: '',
  SHIFT: '',
  CONTROL: '',
  ALT: '',
  PAUSE: '',
  ESCAPE: '',
  SPACE: '',
  PAGEUP: '',
  PAGEDOWN: '',
  END: '',
  HOME: '',
  LEFT_ARROW: '',
  UP_ARROW: '',
  DOWN_ARROW: '',
  ARROW_LEFT: '',
  ARROW_UP: '',
  ARROW_DOWN: '',
  INSERT: '',
  DELETE: '',
  EQUALS: '',
  NUMPAD0: '',
  NUMPAD1: '',
  NUMPAD2: '',
  NUMPAD3: '',
  NUMPAD4: '',
  NUMPAD5: '',
  NUMPAD6: '',
  NUMPAD7: '',
  NUMPAD8: '',
  NUMPAD9: '',
  MULTIPLY: '',
  ADD: '',
  SUBTRACT: '',
  DECIMAL: '',
  DIVIDE: '',
  F1: '',
  F2: '',
  F3: '',
  F4: '',
  F5: '',
  F6: '',
  F7: '',
  F8: '',
  F9: '',
  F10: '',
  F11: '',
  F12: '',
  COMMAND: '',
  META: '' 

You can press any key in above array easily like "client.keys(client.Keys.ENTER);".