Top "Karaf" questions

Karaf is an enterprise grade OSGi runtime/container, with configurable framework implementation (Equinox, Felix).

Apache karaf how to easily install bundle from Maven repo

I am trying out Karaf and installed some bundle X. This bundle X complains about a missing requirement: Unresolved requirements ... …

osgi apache-karaf karaf
How to deploy a karaf feature from a local maven repository?

I've created by first project for karaf (4.0.1). So far I've got the following: an application bundle built with the maven-bundle-plugin. …

maven karaf
Karaf Feature install throwing Unsupported 'Bundle-ManifestVersion' value: 1

Hi guys i am getting the below error while using feture install in karaf org.apache.karaf.features.internal.util.…

osgi apache-karaf karaf blueprint-osgi pax-exam
Script Karaf shell commands?

I need to issue Karaf shell commands non-interactively, preferably from a script. More specifically, I need to tell Karaf to …

shell scripting apache-karaf karaf
org.apache.commons.discovery.DiscoveryException: No implementation defined for org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory

I have a web service client running in my karaf when trying to start the osgi bundle the following error …

apache-karaf osgi-bundle karaf
How to work with frequent local snapshot bundle deployments on Karaf?

I decided to build an application on top of OSGI and Karaf - I really like this stuff. However, I'm …

maven osgi apache-karaf osgi-bundle karaf
Not able to install the GUI package(odl-dlux-all) related to OpenDaylight Carbon version

I am not able to install the package odl-dlux-all on the Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Following is the error message Error executing …

karaf sdn opendaylight
Best way to debug OSGI bundles in Karaf

To date, I've been successful at building OSGI bundles, and invoking web services defined in these bundles via Apache CXF. …

eclipse apache-karaf osgi-bundle karaf
Java classloader usage in OSGi

I have a question about the usage of Java ClassLoader in OSGi. I wrote two OSGi bundles, namely server bundle …

java osgi classloader osgi-bundle karaf
Why is IntelliJ skipping breakpoints while remotely debugging

I have been asked to debug a Java application installed in Apache Karaf (OSGi) running in a VM hosted on …

debugging intellij-idea breakpoints karaf