Top "Kafka-producer-api" questions

Use for questions related to the Apache Kafka producer API.

Error reading field 'topic_metadata' in Kafka

I am trying to connect to my broker on aws with auto.create.topics.enable=true in my …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
How to choose the no of partitions for a kafka topic?

We have 3 zk nodes cluster and 7 brokers. Now we have to create a topic and have to create partitions for …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Kafka 0.10 Java Client TimeoutException: Batch containing 1 record(s) expired

I have a single node, multi (3) broker Zookeeper / Kafka setup. I am using the Kafka 0.10 Java client. I wrote following …

java apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
When does Kafka Leader Election happen?

When and how often does Kafka High Level Producer elect a leader? Does it do before sending each message or …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api apache-kafka-connect
Implications of keeping at 0

We are using kafka The documentation specifies that a buffer is available to send even if it isn't full- By …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
What happens if I don't close the kafka producer

I'm processing xml's and I need to send a message per record, when I receive the last record I close …

java apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
How to fix kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) xxx ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time

I am using kafka_2.11-2.1.1 and Producer using spring 2.1.0.RELEASE. I am using spring while I am sending the messages …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api spring-kafka
Start Confluent Schema Registry in windows

I have windows environment and my own set of kafka and zookeeper running. To use custom objects, I started to …

apache-kafka avro kafka-producer-api confluence-rest-api confluent-platform
kafka producers are very slow

I am new in Kafka and I have a question that I'm not able to resolve. I have installed Kafka …

java apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
Apache Kafka Producer Config: '' VS. '' properties

Given the below synchronous kafka producer Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", 30000); props.put("", 30000); …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api