Top "Kafka-producer-api" questions

Use for questions related to the Apache Kafka producer API.

How to send message to a particular partition in Kafka?

I have created a topic that has many partitions. Using the console producer I want to send messages to particular …

apache-kafka apache-zookeeper kafka-producer-api
Kafka Maven Dependencies

What's the difference between the below two dependencies? Do i really need the first one to make a consumer or …

maven apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Can a Kafka producer create topics and partitions?

currently I am evaluating different Messaging Systems. There is a question related to Apache Kafka which I could not answer …

apache-kafka messaging kafka-producer-api
Kafka set compression type at producer vs topic

What's the difference between the following ways of enabling compression in kafka: Approach 1: Create a topic using the command: bin/…

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
how to view kafka headers

We are sending message with headers to Kafka using org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord public ProducerRecord(String topic, Integer …

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
Retry logic in kafka consumer

I have a use case where i consume certain logs from a queue and hit some third party API's with …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Sending Synchronous messages in kafka?

How to send Synchronous messages in kafka? One way of achieving it could be by setting the properties parameter max.…

apache-kafka kafka-producer-api
Kafka optimal retention and deletion policy

I am fairly new to kafka so forgive me if this question is trivial. I have a very simple setup …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api kafka-python