We are sending message with headers to Kafka using org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
public ProducerRecord(String topic, Integer partition, K key, V value, Iterable<Header> headers) {
this(topic, partition, (Long)null, key, value, headers);
How can I actually see these headers using command. kafka-console-consumer.sh only shows me payload and no headers.
You can use the excellent kafkacat tool.
Sample command:
kafkacat -b kafka-broker:9092 -t my_topic_name -C \
-f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k
Value (%S bytes): %s
Timestamp: %T
Partition: %p
Offset: %o
Headers: %h\n'
Sample output:
Key (-1 bytes):
Value (13 bytes): {foo:"bar 5"}
Timestamp: 1548350164096
Partition: 0
Offset: 34
Headers: __connect.errors.topic=test_topic_json,__connect.errors.partition=0,__connect.errors.offset=94,__connect.errors.connector.name=file_sink_03,__connect.errors.task.id=0,__connect.errors.stage=VALU
nverting byte[] to Kafka Connect data failed due to serialization error: ,__connect.errors.exception.stacktrace=org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Converting byte[] to Kafka Connect data failed
due to serialization error:
The kafkacat header option is only available in recent builds of kafkacat
; you may want to build from master branch yourself if your current version doesn't include it.
You can also run kafkacat from Docker:
docker run --rm edenhill/kafkacat:1.5.0 \
-b kafka-broker:9092 \
-t my_topic_name -C \
-f '\nKey (%K bytes): %k
Value (%S bytes): %s
Timestamp: %T
Partition: %p
Offset: %o
Headers: %h\n'
If you use Docker bear in mind the network implications of how to reach the Kafka broker.