Top "Kafka-consumer-api" questions

Use for questions related to the Apache Kafka consumer API

Docker Kafka w/ Python consumer

I am using dockerized Kafka and written one Kafka consumer program. It works perfectly when I run Kafka in docker …

python docker apache-kafka docker-compose kafka-consumer-api
Running kafka connect in Distributed mode?

I have a total of 3 VM's(CloudVPS). Each of them has java, confluent open source installed on them. In VM1 …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api apache-kafka-connect confluent-platform
Kafka Avro Consumer with Decoder issues

When I attempted to run Kafka Consumer with Avro over the data with my respective schema,it returns an error …

java apache-kafka avro kafka-consumer-api apache-nifi
Difference between and in Kafka consumer config

I'm currently running kafka and the corresponding docs for the two values in question are as follows: …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
When to use ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory?

I am new to kafka and i went through the documentation but I couldn't understand anything. Can someone please explain …

java apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api spring-kafka
How to use Consumer API of Kafka 0.8.2?

I'm getting start with the latest Kafka document But I meet some problem when …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Kafka Consumer's poll() method gets blocked

I'm new to Kafka 0.9 and testing some features I realized a strange behaviour in the Java implemented Consumer (KafkaConsumer). The …

apache-kafka polling kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Balancing Kafka consumers

Let's say that I have 10 partitions for a given topic in Kafka. What would my options be to automatically load …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api