Top "Kafka-consumer-api" questions

Use for questions related to the Apache Kafka consumer API

KafkaConsumer 0.10 Java API error message: No current assignment for partition

I am using KafkaConsumer 0.10 Java api. I want to consume from a specific partition and specific offset. I looked up …

java kafka-consumer-api
Kafka : How to connect kafka-console-consumer to fetch remote broker topic content?

I have setup a kafka zookeeper and 3 brokers on one machine on ec2 with ports 9092..9094 and am trying to consume …

amazon-ec2 apache-kafka apache-zookeeper kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
How can i get all group list with kafka0.10.x

when i use kafka0.8.x,i can get all group list with zookeeper by path /consumers/group_id, because offsets …

apache-kafka apache-zookeeper kafka-consumer-api apache-kafka-connect
Kafka 0.9 How to re-consume message when manually committing offset with a KafkaConsumer

I am writing a consumer that manually commits the offset once a series of records are commited to Mongo. In …

java apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Kafka Maven Dependencies

What's the difference between the below two dependencies? Do i really need the first one to make a consumer or …

maven apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Kafka-consumer. commitSync vs commitAsync

The quote from…

java apache-kafka offset kafka-consumer-api
Need clarification about Kafka auto commit and

The document says that "Note that with auto-commit enabled, a call …

How does Kafka store offsets for each topic?

While polling Kafka, I have subscribed to multiple topics using the subscribe() function. Now, I want to set the offset …

java apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Problems with the retention period for offset topic of kafka

We are facing a problem with Kafka. We have a topic with only a partition and only one consumer in …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api