Top "Kafka-consumer-api" questions

Use for questions related to the Apache Kafka consumer API

What does "Rebalancing" mean in Apache Kafka context?

I am a new user to Kafka and have been trialling it for about 2-3 weeks now. I believe at …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
How to create topics in apache kafka?

What is the bestway to create topics in kafka? How many replicas/partitions to be defined when we create topics? …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api kafka-producer-api
Get last message from kafka consumer console script

We can get every messages from Kafka by doing: bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning Is there a …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka consumer

I am manually starting Zookeeper, then Kafka server and finally the Kafka-Rest server with their respective properties file. Next, I …

spring-boot apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api spring-kafka
Kafka and firewall rules

We have a fairly strict network segmentation policy. I am using a cloud foundry instance to deploy an app to. …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
understanding consumer group id

I did fresh installation of Apache Kafka I was able to send / receive messages on command prompt. While using Producer / …

java apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Difference between and for Kafka >= 0.10.1

I am unclear why we need both and and when would we use …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
difference between groupid and consumerid in Kafka consumer

I noticed that the Consumer configuration has two IDs. One is (mandatory) and second one is (…

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Can multiple Kafka consumers read same message from the partition

We are planning to write a Kafka consumer(java) which reads Kafka queue to perform an action which is in …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api
Kafka bootstrap-servers vs zookeeper in kafka-console-consumer

I'm trying to test run a single Kafka node with 3 brokers & zookeeper. I wish to test using the console …

apache-kafka kafka-consumer-api