Top "Junit4" questions

Version 4 of the popular Junit Java Unit testing framework

Maven won't run tests

When running mvn test maven won't run all Test Classes. When I explicitly provide a class by adding -Dtest=PropertyTests …

maven maven-2 junit junit4 maven-surefire-plugin
No suitable classloader found for grab

I have this at the beginning of a class: @Grab(group = 'org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup', module = 'tagsoup', version = '1.2') …

groovy intellij-idea classloader junit4
Cannot resolve symbol InstantTaskExecutorRule

I open example code BasicRxJavaSample (from this article Room+RxJava) The main thing is there: @Rule public InstantTaskExecutorRule instantTaskExecutorRule = new …

android unit-testing junit4 rx-java2
JUnit3 and Junit4 XML Reports with Maven

I am trying to figure out how to use the supposed reporting capabilities of JUnit (3 and 4) in conjunction with Maven, …

java maven-2 junit4 junit3
Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)?

In my test case I have to record for 1 hour, in robotium solo.sleep(600000) had done my work, but In …

android junit4 android-testing android-espresso
How to programmatically execute a test suite using JUnit4?

I am trying to invoke a JUnit Test suite using the API. I know that you can suite up test …

junit automated-tests junit4 test-suite
The differences between JUnit 3 and JUnit 4

Could someone describe in a few words what the main differences between JUnit 3 and 4 are?

junit junit4 junit3
How to continue test after JUnit ExpectedException if thrown?

I have set up some JUnit (4.12) test with the ExpectedException feature, and I would like the test to continue after …

java junit4 expected-exception junit-rule
unit testing functions with Apache Camel Exchange as parameter

I am doing java camel development and I want to unit test(junit4) a bunch of functions with Exchange being …

unit-testing apache-camel junit4 easymock
Unit test Java class that loads native library

I'm running unit tests in Android Studio. I have a Java class that loads a native library with the following …

java android unit-testing junit4