Top "Junit4" questions

Version 4 of the popular Junit Java Unit testing framework

SpringBootTest : No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc' available:

Hey i have started learing spring-boot junit testing using spring boot Test framework at the time of creating the test …

java spring-boot junit4 spring-boot-test mockmvc
Does Spring @DirtiesContext reload Spring context?

I have a test class that looks like @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:/test-context.xml"}) @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.…

spring junit4 jmock
initializationError with Eclipse and JUNIT4 when executing a single test

My test class is this one: /** * The Class TestAddSubscriber. */ @RunWith(LabelledParameterized.class) public class TestAddSubscriber extends AbstractTestSubscriber { /** * Instantiates a new …

java eclipse junit4 eclipse-indigo
Why is JUnit 4 on Android not working?

as the documentation of Android says, "Note that the Android testing API supports JUnit 3 code style, but not JUnit 4." (Testing …

java android junit4 dalvik junit3
Autowiring Spring services into JUnit tests

Following is the service. @Service public class MyService { public List<Integer> getIds(Filter filter){ // Method body } } And a …

java spring junit junit4 spring-junit
How to test a method returns boolean in Mockito

I am learning how to unit-testing in android studio. As shown below, I have a method called "isValidUrl" and in …

android junit mockito junit4 powermockito
JUnit4 and JUnit5 tests not running in IntelliJ

I am trying to use JUnit4 and JUnit5 tests in the same project in IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.5. Until now, all tests …

maven intellij-idea junit junit4 junit5
Need help to write a unit test using Mockito and JUnit4

Need help to write a unit test for the below code using Mockito and JUnit4, public class MyFragmentPresenterImpl { public Boolean …

android mockito junit4
Ehcache shutdown causing an exception while running test suite

I'm experiencing the following problem. I have a test suit in my project and each individual test runs fine. However …

spring junit4 ehcache spring-test
"Address already in use: bind" exception when running Gradle JUnit tests

I'm using Spring Boot 1.2.1.RELEASE, JUnit4, and Gradle 2.1 for a RESTful service and am trying to define a properties file …

gradle spring-boot junit4 properties-file springjunit4classrunner