Top "Julia" questions

The Julia programming language is fast, expressive and dynamic.

Setting working directory: Julia versus R

In R, starting from any working directory, I can do setwd("~/Desktop") and this is consistent with how my linux …

r directory julia
How to initialize an empty 2-dimensional array in Julia?

m = [] initializes an empty array of dimension 1. I want to initialize an empty array of dimension 2 (to which I'll append …

multidimensional-array julia
How to make a GUI in Julia?

I'm new at programming in Julia and I need to create a GUI. I've been looking for information and I …

user-interface julia
How does one clear or remove a global in julia?

Is there any syntax that does something similar to MATLAB's "clear" i.e. if I have a global variable "a". …

global-variables global julia
How to select elements from array in Julia matching predicate?

Julia appears to have a lot of Matlab like features. I'd like to select from an array using a predicate. …

arrays julia
How to import custom module in julia

I have a module I wrote here: # Hello.jl module Hello function foo return 1 end end and # Main.jl using …

What is a "symbol" in Julia?

Specifically: I am trying to use Julia's DataFrames package, specifically the readtable() function with the names option, but that requires …

Initialize an array of arrays in Julia

I'm trying to create an array of two arrays. However, a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] doesn't do that, it actually concats the arrays. This …

Is the Julia language really as fast as it claims?

Following this post I decided to benchmark Julia against GNU Octave and the results were inconsistent with the speed-ups illustrated …

benchmarking octave julia
Converting integer to string in Julia

I want to convert an integer to a string in Julia. When I try: a = 9500 b = convert(String,a) I …

string floating-point type-conversion julia