Top "Julia" questions

The Julia programming language is fast, expressive and dynamic.

JULIA : How to permute randomly a vector in julia?

l have a vector of random numbers that l want to permute randomly using randperm() function as follows but it's …

julia permute
Parallelism in Julia. Features and Limitations

In their arXiv paper, the original authors of Julia mention the following: 2.14 Parallelism. Parallel execution is provided by a message-based …

python multithreading r parallel-processing julia
How and When to Use @async and @sync in Julia

I have read the documentation for the @async and @sync macros but still cannot figure out how and when to …

asynchronous parallel-processing macros synchronization julia
Julia: does an Array contain a specific sub-array

In julia we can check if an array contains a value, like so: > 6 in [4,6,5] true However this returns false, …

arrays julia sub-array
Checking file existence in Julia

Is there a simple way in Julia to check whether a file in the current working directory exists (something like …

Is Julia dynamically typed?

A lot of blogs, and the manual itself, say that Julia is dynamically typed. But from my reading of the …

types type-inference julia
Speeding up Julia's poorly written R examples

The Julia examples to compare performance against R seem particularly convoluted.…

r optimization julia
Is it possible to sort a dictionary in Julia?

I have created a dictionary out of two arrays using zip() like list1 = [1,2,3,4,5] list2 = [6,7,8,9,19] dictionary1 = Dict(zip(list1,list2)) Now …

sorting dictionary data-structures julia
Reading data matrix from text file in Julia

I have text file which includes a matrix. I want to read it in julia as a matrix. The text …

matrix input julia file-read
Julia: Transforming an Array of Arrays in a 2-dimensional Array

I have an Array d that contains an Array of floats: julia> d 99-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}: ... I'm trying …

arrays julia