In julia we can check if an array contains a value, like so:
> 6 in [4,6,5]
However this returns false, when attempting to check for a sub-array in a specific order:
> [4,6] in [4,6,5]
What is the correct syntax to verify if a specific sub-array exists in an array?
I think it is worth mentioning that in Julia 1.0 you have the function issubset
> issubset([4,6], [4,6,5])
You can also quite conveniently call it using the \subseteq
latex symbol
> [4,6] ⊆ [4,6,5]
This looks pretty optimized to me:
> using Random
> x, y = randperm(10^3)[1:10^2], randperm(10^3);
> @btime issubset(x, y);
16.153 μs (12 allocations: 45.96 KiB)