Top "Jquery-events" questions

These methods are used to register behaviors to take effect when the user interacts with the browser, and to further manipulate those registered behaviors.

Compare '' to a jQuery object

What I want to do: ( clickedObject === someDiv ) //returns true or false What I tried ( $( === $('.selector') ); //returns a …

javascript jquery click jquery-events
How can I only allow shift+enter to return new line in text area?

In a default behavior, the textarea "press" enter will become new line, but I don't want to having a new …

jquery textarea jquery-events
How can I catch touchmove events on an element that is added to the DOM after my finger is already on the screen?

I am working on a Javascript / html5 project for iPad. I need to be able to catch touchmove events on …

javascript jquery jquery-events touchstart
Is there a way to use event.preventDefault with focusOut? If not, why?

I would like to prevent the default event from a focusOut (or blur) event and keep the focus set to …

jquery event-handling jquery-events preventdefault
Trying to simulate label click

Why doesn't this work? The label is inside the .item parent. I don't want to put it outside of block …

jquery jquery-events event-capturing
jQuery event that triggers after CSS is loaded?

I have a couple of links on my page (inside a <div id="theme-selector">) which allow you to …

javascript jquery css events jquery-events
With jQuery, How Do I Intercept Hyperlink Click Events Temporarily?

This question refers to affiliate marketing, but really is a generic question about intercepting hyperlinks before they go off to …

jquery click jquery-events amazon-product-api intercept jquery on() mousedown/up is not giving the dom specified by selector

I have this simple html: <div class="wrapper"> <span class="higher"> [higher] <span class="lower"&…

jquery jquery-events event-bubbling
jQuery trigger not firing with bind() or on() for custom events

Can anyone tell me why this code would not be working? $('body').on('test', function() { alert('test'); }); $('body').trigger('test'); …

jquery triggers bind jquery-events custom-events
Dynamically add option to chosen select multiple JQuery plugin

I want to add the text that a user inputs in the text field of a chosen select multiple input …

javascript jquery jquery-events jquery-chosen