Can anyone tell me why this code would not be working?
$('body').on('test', function() {
I'm using jquery-1.7.2.min. I do not get any errors, just nothing happens.
I've tried putting the code inside an inline script, inside a $(document).ready()
and still nothing. I've also tried both on()
and bind()
and neither result. I see examples all over showing the same syntax, so what is different with this?
It appears the issue lies in the DOM being ready somehow. Placing the code within inline script would not work. Placing it inside of a $(document).ready()
will work with an anonymous function, but for some reason not a function call with '( )'.. This code worked
function start(){
$('body').on('test', function() {
But this did not... *notice the function call parenthesis.
function start(){
$('body').on('test', function() {
An exact example works both ways on jsfiddle, but for some reason only one way works on my server. Which I guess bring up another question of why, but at least we can see this code does in fact work, there is some strange anomaly with my stuff :/