Top "Jquery-events" questions

These methods are used to register behaviors to take effect when the user interacts with the browser, and to further manipulate those registered behaviors.

Kendo Editor on <textarea> creates iframe, so cant bind any javascript events inside it

In my application I use Kendo editor and initialize it on <textarea> element like this: <textarea id="…

jquery iframe kendo-ui jquery-events jquery-on
Event Capturing, Event Bubbling and jQuery.on()

I have an interesting question about event capturing, bubbling and jQuery.on(). I have recently learned more about the difference …

javascript jquery jquery-events event-bubbling event-capturing
jQuery event handlers not firing in IE

I have a list of items on a page with a set of controls to MoveUp, MoveDown and Delete. The …

javascript jquery jquery-events jquery-1.3
Pros and Cons of using e.stopPropagation() to prevent event bubbling

Many people have explained that e.stopPropagation() prevents event bubbling. However, I'm having a hard time finding why one would …

javascript jquery jquery-events event-bubbling stoppropagation
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'dispatchEvent' on 'EventTarget': The event provided is null

I am getting weird behavior where Javascript event that I am trying to dispatch is not being interpreted as event …

javascript jquery jquery-events dispatchevent
Catching "cursor place change" events inside textareas with jQuery (IE6-compatible)

How can I catch the event of "cursor place change" inside textarea with jQuery (also should working in IE6)? Example1: …

jquery jquery-events cursor-position
What does Touch Punch JQuery UI offer?

I'm using JQuery UI Touch Punch, like I use it in this JSFiddle. I searched a lot of places to …

javascript jquery jquery-ui jquery-events jquery-ui-touch-punch
Prevent parent page from scrolling when mouse is over embedded iframe in Firefox

...without limiting the scroll inside the iframe or the need to specifically name/tag all scrollable elements. Imagine google maps …

javascript firefox iframe jquery-events mousewheel