Top "Jquery-on" questions

jquery on method can be used to bind events on dom elements.

Using jQuery to test if an input has focus

On the front page of a site I am building, several <div>s use the CSS :hover pseudo-class …

javascript jquery javascript-events jquery-on
jQuery - how to use the "on()" method instead of "live()"?

I used live() for generated pages and frames. But in jQuery 1.9 this function is deprecated and does not work. I …

javascript deprecated jquery jquery-on
Clicking on one button to trigger click event on another

I want to click on button 2 to trigger a click event on button 1. However, when I try the following, nothing …

jquery jquery-on
jquery $('body').on('click') always needs .off('click') to avoid multiple event firing

I have a page where I list my crew members (show_crew.php). The page runs on with infinite scrolling …

jquery jquery-on
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)?

Where this is coming from When I first learned jQuery, I normally attached events like this: $('.my-widget a').click(…

javascript jquery jquery-selectors jquery-on
jQuery .on keyup and blur firing onload only

Problem: The blur and keyup events each fire once onload, and only onload. How can I get them to work …

jquery jquery-on
why is my .on('change') not working?

I'm adding inputs dynamically into my page, so need to use .on to attach events to them. I'm trying to …

jquery jquery-on
Do I need to unbind jquery event before remove element?

I have a page using jquery-ui-dialog. Each time the dialog opens, page contents load in using ajax. Then it binds …

jquery jquery-on
Jquery .on('change') not firing for dynamically added elements

So I've got a page with the following structure <div class="editCampaignBanner"> <div> <hr> &…

jquery jquery-on
jQuery .on("click") - alternative to .live()

In my project I am appending several buttons to a div: $(".tab-content").append("<div class='landing_content'><…

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