Top "Stoppropagation" questions

stopPropagation is a method of the event object that prevents further propagation of the current event.

What's the difference between event.stopPropagation and event.preventDefault?

They seem to be doing the same thing... Is one modern and one old? Or are they supported by different …

javascript events preventdefault stoppropagation
How can I make an AngularJS directive to stopPropagation?

I am trying to "stopPropagation" to prevent a Twitter Bootstrap navbar dropdown from closing when an element (link) inside an …

javascript jquery angularjs stoppropagation
event.preventDefault vs event.stopPropagation

Can someone explain what's the difference between event.preventDefault() and event.stopPropagation()? I have a table and within that table …

javascript jquery preventdefault stoppropagation
How do I stop/end/halt a script in R?

I wrote a script that should stop execution if the supplied data is incorrect. However, although stop produces an error …

r error-handling stoppropagation
jQuery on() stopPropagation not working?

I can't seem to get this to stop propagating.. $(document).ready(function(){ $("body").on("click","",function(event){ event.…

javascript jquery stoppropagation propagation
stopPropagation and startPropagation

I want to make an additional click handler (client page, cant modify his js/html) and it should work like …

javascript jquery stoppropagation
stopPropagation() with tap event

I'm using hammer.js and it appears that I event.stopPropagation() doesn't work with tap event. If I click on …

javascript jquery hammer.js stoppropagation
Why does e.stopPropagation() not work?

I am reading a book called "Adaptive Web Design" by Aaron Gustafson were I got a piece of javascript that …

javascript event-bubbling stoppropagation
StopPropagation() with SVG element and G

I created an SVG element with an .on("click") behavior and appended g elements with .on("click") and thought that …

d3.js svg dom-events stoppropagation
Jquery StopPropagation not working in firefox

I have this code working on Safari and Chrome , but not in Firefox . Is firefox having a problem with StopPropagation() ? $(…

jquery firefox dom twitter-bootstrap stoppropagation