Top "Stoppropagation" questions

stopPropagation is a method of the event object that prevents further propagation of the current event.

jQuery stopPropagation()?

Never come across this before can anyone give me any pointers? I'm creating a web app for making notes like …

jquery jquery-ui user-interface stoppropagation
jQuery trigger() and stopPropagation() on keydown event

I am having a difficult time with keydown and stop propagation i do not want my page to refresh, i …

jquery jquery-ui keydown preventdefault stoppropagation
How to disable scrolling in outer elements?

I have a vertically-scrolling div within a page that also scrolls vertically. When the child div is scrolled with the …

javascript html scroll stoppropagation
Stop propagation through html's "onclick" event and JS

This is my html chunk <tr> <td class="c_menu" id="bat_light"> <a href="…

javascript html stoppropagation
event.stopPropagation() not working in chrome with jQuery 1.7

For some reason clicking the document isn't working in Chrome (the closeQuickView is not being called). The elements are loaded …

javascript jquery html event-propagation stoppropagation
stopPropagation in scroll()-Method won't stop outer div from scrolling

I have a inner dev with a fixed height and overflow-y: scroll; where the contents can be scrolled in y …

javascript jquery html scroll stoppropagation
Stop Propagation on Input Click

I have an html table, and when a user clicks a table row, the row's checkbox is checked, and some …

javascript jquery html stoppropagation
How to stopPropagation() w/ Hammer.js 2.0?

I have a parent and child div. Panning/dragging on the child should not affect the parent. This is a …

javascript jquery hammer.js stoppropagation
stopPropagation without jQuery

I bind to a link (by using the .live() function of jQuery) click event and then manually add an onclick …

javascript jquery stoppropagation
How to stop event capturing in javascript?

We can use event.stopPropagation() for stopping event bubbling. Can we use same method for stopping event capturing also? If …

javascript jquery stoppropagation