Top "Jointable" questions

A JOIN is a general operation in relational algebra for a combining operation on two or more relations in a relational database system.

Mapping many-to-many association table with extra column(s)

My database contains 3 tables: User and Service entities have many-to-many relationship and are joined with the SERVICE_USER table as …

hibernate jpa mapping many-to-many jointable
Generate migration - create join table

I have looked through many SO and google posts for generating migration of join table for has many and belongs …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ruby-on-rails-4 migration jointable
Doctrine 2: How to handle join tables with extra columns

How do I setup a join table with extra columns, or a many-to-many association with additional properties, in Doctrine 2?

properties doctrine-orm many-to-many jointable
Hibernate @ManyToMany joinTable - OrderBy using join table's field

There are 3 tables: TABLE_A ID_A field1 fieldN TABLE_B ID_B field1 fieldN TABLE_A_B ID_A …

hibernate many-to-many jointable joincolumn
How to join multiple tables including lookup table and return data in rows

I'm trying to display some simple computer game results and make it easy to iterate through the results line by …

mysql sql pivot-table lookup-tables jointable