Top "Jframe" questions

A JFrame is a component and top-level container of the JFC/Swing framework.

Get Any/All Active JFrames in Java Application?

Is there a way from within a Java application to list all of the currently open/active (I'm not sure …

java swing list methods jframe
Not able to add JTextField to JFrame

I am not able to add JTextField to JFrame. My JFrame contains a JLabel and a JTextField . First, i have …

java swing jframe jtextfield layout-manager
Is there anyway to "pack" a JPanel?

Is there any thing I can do to make my JPanel pack like a JFrame, or do something like that. …

java jframe jpanel dimensions pack
Why won't my background color display in JFrame?

I have two class files: Screen JMain I'm trying to get it …

java swing background jframe setbackground
Data from JTextField to JTable

I would like to add the data entered in the text box to the table and keep on incremented ID. …

java swing jtable jframe defaulttablemodel
JFrame resizable height ONLY

JFrame.setResizable(true) lets the user resize both the width and height of a window. Does a method exist which …

java swing user-interface jframe resizable
How to correctly implement MVC in Java with Swing?

If you would like more details please let me know, or refer to the last lines of this question. I've …

java swing model-view-controller user-interface jframe
Java setFullScreenWindow() keep on top

I'm writing an application that is intended to be run on a dual monitor setup, with a "Display" JFrame going …

java swing jframe fullscreen
JFrame repaint() issues - Java

I want to be able to draw using Java's paint() on a JFrame. When I click the JFrame (anywhere for …

java awt jframe validation repaint
Using setLocation to move the JFrame around Windows, Java

I am trying to move a JFrame around in Windows using 5 buttons (North, East, South, West, and Centre) At the …

java swing jframe actionevent