Top "Jframe" questions

A JFrame is a component and top-level container of the JFC/Swing framework.

How to check if a jframe is opened?

My code below create a new array and sends it to chat(jFrame). String info1[]=new String[3]; // username , userid , userid2 …

java swing jframe jdialog jtabbedpane
Swing: Setting a function key (F2) as an accelerator

I have a menu item, "rename", for which F2 is set as an accelerator. Indeed when the menu is displayed …

java user-interface swing jframe accelerator
Do I actually call the paintComponent method I make when creating a rectangle in Java?

This is my current RectangleComponent class and I add it to a panel in my main JFrame but it never …

java swing jframe jpanel jcomponent
Can I create a BufferedImage from a JPanel without rendering in a JFrame?

Is it possible to create a BufferedImage from a JPanel without first rendering it in a JFrame? I've searched everywhere …

java swing jframe jpanel bufferedimage
Java, how can I reset JTextField

I made a simple search gui method to search for products in DB and it works flawlessly. However, after the …

java swing jframe jtextfield jradiobutton
Converting a JFrame to a JApplet

I have a JFrame application working nicely. However now I'd like to run it on the web as an Applet. …

java deployment applet jframe japplet
Java - Waiting for some type of key press to continue

What is the best way to implement a "press x to continue" type of thing in Java? Specifically, I have …

java swing jframe jpanel keylistener
Custom design for Close/Minimize buttons on JFrame

I would like to apply my own close and minimize buttons. Is there any way to change the JFrame design?

java swing jframe look-and-feel windowlistener
Extending a JFrame

What are the pros and cons of extending a JFrame rather than create a new JFrame? For example: public class …

java swing inheritance jframe composition
Programmatic close of JFrame

What's the programmatic equivalent of clicking the close (x) button in the upper right corner of a JFrame? There's the …

java swing jframe