Top "Java-web-start" questions

Java Web Start (JWS) is the Oracle technology used to launch rich client (Swing, Java-FX, SWT, AWT.

How to make java web start launch automatically without double click on the JNLP

I have a java applet application which is accessed by our customers through our website. Since Microsoft edge and chrome …

java google-chrome java-web-start jnlp microsoft-edge
How can I debug applications under Java Web Start (JNLP)?

I know how I can debug a remote Java VM with Eclipse, but how can I do it with a …

java debugging jnlp java-web-start
Where is the jar files cached for Java Web Start/JNLP applications?

Where is the jar files cached for Java Web Start/JNLP applications?

java jnlp java-web-start
Opening JNLP File in Java 6 JRE instead of JRE 7

I have Java 6-based Java Web Start application that I need to open on a Windows machine. The machine has …

java windows java-web-start
Java 7u51 will not accept JNLP with self-signed certificate?

I read on the web that Java version 7u51 (to be released in January 2014) will no longer accept Java Webstart …

java java-web-start jnlp self-signed
Security Exception: MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: socket during opening JNLP file

OS: Windows 7 32-bit JDK: jdk1.7.0_25 I have Studio.jnlp file. I tried to open it by double-click. But I found …

java windows-7 jnlp java-web-start malformedurlexception
jar resources in jnlp are not signed by the same certificate

I've been working with web start for a couple years now and have experience with signing the jars and what …

java rcp java-web-start jnlp
JNLP Extension does not open in Internet Explorer

I am having an issue of opening *.jnlp extensions using Internet Explorer. The extension opens properly in Chrome and Firefox, …

java internet-explorer java-web-start jnlp
Troubleshooting a Java Web Start application and accessing log files

I am launching a Java Web Start application which shuts down abruptly. Does anybody know how to access the logs …

java jnlp java-web-start
With Java 7 Update 45, the System Properties no Longer Set from JNLP Tag "Property"

We run the application from the attached JNLP. On the Java console, we have output the system properties with D. …

java properties system java-web-start jnlp