Top "Java-web-start" questions

Java Web Start (JWS) is the Oracle technology used to launch rich client (Swing, Java-FX, SWT, AWT.

Continue Browser Session in JNLP

We have basic authentication enabled on Tomcat6. User is authenticated in browser and then JNLP is launched to launch application …

java session jnlp java-web-start
NullPointerException in invokeLater while running through Java Webstart

After upgraded from JRE 1.7.0_21 to 1.7.0_25-b15 my application started to throw NullPointerException in SwingUtilities.invokeLater(...) when it is run from …

java swing rmi java-web-start
JNLP desktop shortcut creation with Windows 7 : "cannot create shortcut"

we have an Java application deployed with Java Web Start (JNLP) that does a desktop shortcut. One client has issue …

windows-7 jnlp java-web-start desktop-shortcut
Java 7 update 25 makes our java web start application fail with no logging

Since the java 7 update 25 launched by Oracle our application no longer functions. Initially we got some warning about codebase & …

java exception web java-web-start
What prevents Java from verifying signed jars with multiple signature algorithms

Quick background: We release a webstart application, which includes our own application jars and numerous third-party jars. Webstart requires that …

java jar code-signing java-web-start jarsigner
How to distinguish 32 bit from 64 bit java version in jnlp files

To start our legacy application, we use java WebStart via a jnlp. We would like to support 64-bit Java clients …

java 32bit-64bit jnlp java-web-start
Java Webstart intermittant JAR not updating

We use java Webstart to deploy a java application on our intranet. The application receives frequent updates. Once in awhile …

java jar java-web-start jnlp
How to specify a JRE range in jnlp file?

We have a java app which uses Java Web Start. The jnlp file is configured with [j2se version="1.5+"]. So …

java java-web-start jnlp
OpenJDK builds and javaws bin file

I understand that Java Web Start is deprecated and not present in Java SE 11 and later. I bumped into the …

java java-web-start redhat-openjdk
Java Webstart Truststore SSL

Need some guidance. I have java webstart app and I want it to connect to a server via SSL.just …

java ssl java-web-start truststore