Where is the jar files cached for Java Web Start/JNLP applications?

Carl Hörberg picture Carl Hörberg · Oct 4, 2009 · Viewed 55k times · Source

Where is the jar files cached for Java Web Start/JNLP applications?


Pascal Thivent picture Pascal Thivent · Oct 4, 2009

It depends... on your OS and virtual machine, e.g.:

  • with a Sun JDK 1.5 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\userid\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javaws\
  • with a Sun JDK 1.6 and Vista: C:\Users\userid\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0
  • with a Sun JDK 1.6 and GNU/Linux: /home/userid/.java/deployment/cache/6.0
  • with a Sun JDK 1.6 and Mac OS X: ~/Library/Caches/Java/cache/6.0/

With a Sun JDK 6, this can be configured through the Java Control Panel (Temporary Internet Files Settings in the General tab).